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is ISO certified

Purchased a security bag manufacturing machine

08 April 2015

“NTL Packing” Company acquired and commissioned a new multi-option bag making machine for the production of various types of security packages: safe packages, courier packages, etc.

Security packages have found widespread use today. The safe package is designed to protect confidential documents, securities, money and precious metals during their transportation and storage from unauthorized access.

A safe bag is made of a special opaque multilayer material (white outside and black inside), which makes the contents of the package invisible. An attempt to criminally open a safe package by mechanical means, using freezing, heating or chemicals, leaves unavoidable signs of these effects. The standard product is equipped with a barcode and a transparent pocket for accompanying documents. It is possible to apply additional information with a conventional ballpoint pen. The most reliable safe packages have over 20 different degrees of protection, which eliminates unauthorized entry in principle.

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29 October 2007
A new laboratory complex of six pieces of equipment was put into operation
22 July 2003
“Hudson-Sharp” bag making machine with Wicket packing function (assembled in a pack) was purchased and put into operation
07 June 2019
Technical specialists of NTL Packing Company visited the international specialized exhibition on waste management, environmental technologies and renewable energy